Thursday 8 September 2011

Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory

Our next journey was west to east to Dunedin which aside from being the home for most of Englands group games in the Rugby World Cup it is also home to NZ Cadburys Chocolate factory! As we didnt have tickets for any rugby we settled on tickets to the chocolate factory. We had a fun couple of hours round the factory including see a tonne of liquid chocolate fall 5 storeys and we picked up lots of freebies along the way.

Then that evening we drove to Oamaru to see penguin colonies come back to shore at sunset. It was fascinating to watch groups of them come to shore and spend 5 to 10 mins getting themselves out of the water onto the rocks as the tide kept knocking them over. Then once all of their group were out of the water they followed the leader up the rocky hill, across the gravel road into their nests in the field opposite. Once they were safely inside they made a right racket wailing which I think sent a message to other groups of penguins still out at sea. Then the next group headed in and repeated the process all over again. We watched 56 penguins come to shore in total, we were not allowed to take any pics but I managed to sneak one without the flash which you can just see the white dots making their way up the rocks.


Em said...

Sarah unfortunately the tan is fading fast but hopefully a dose of Oz and splash of Haiwaii will help, hehe!!

Mum said...

No picture of penguins is that because they were the chocolate penguin variety with coloured wrappers??