Saturday 22 January 2011

Human pin cushions...

The next stage of our preparations is the joy of vaccinations.  After visiting the travel clinic a few weeks ago we were given a list of 10 injections we needed for our travels. 

This week signalled the start of being prodded and pricked like human voodoo dolls.  Today we have had our first dose of rabies in one arm and Japenese Encephalitis in the other and will be back for the next couple of doses over the next month.  We also have Hep A and B to look forward to, typhoid, and the booster polio, tetanus and diphtheria.

The injections did not hurt the most painful part was the price at the end!!  Luckily the rest of the injections are covered by the NHS!


Anonymous said...

A good solid blog article. Educational and interesting although a video or photographs capturing the pain would be good. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) at least 50,000 people in Asia develop Japanese encephalitis each year, commonly occuring from May onwards, causing inflammation of the brain!! Em a picture of the little critter is on its way to you - upload it so we can all keep a look out for any.

Anonymous said...

come on more up dates please

Mrs King said...

Who is that?? I don't update for anonymous people! Em x