Monday 17 January 2011

What the Spork was I thinking...

Is it a spoon?  Is it a fork?  Is it a knife?  No it is a SPORK!!!!!!!!

That's right the long awaited second post is here and it is about my spork.  This is one of my essential purchases for travelling an all in one cutlery set.

Kris laughed at me when I brought this genius item until I promptly reminded him that the common cutlery in south east asia will be chopsticks and that quickly wiped the smile off his face.  I also reckon this will be useful for the long bus and train journeys when we will be snacking on pot noodles, yoghurts etc.  In case you are all green with envy The Spork could be yours as it is available at all good travel retailers and some bad ones too!

Watch this space for the next installment of Emily's guide to essential items for travelling!  Oh and thanks for the lovely messages so far it has certainly got us even more enthusiastic about the adventure that lies ahead.


Me said...

I think that is a poor name and it should be rebranded the sporknifoon. Excellent article though and way to go getting over the pot holes.

Me Again!! said...

Also pick up you cutlery you filthy beggers. It looks like its resting on a camels back. That carpet was white originally.

Em said...

Wasn't so successful on the pot holes today Tony, spanked my car into them today avoiding lorries :-(

I knew you would want an update!

Me Yet Again said...

We want more cutlery. Do make me go and read how Mercedes has pipped BMW by 2 %. My mind needs something more stimulating.

Em again said...

I have given you a knife, a spoon and a fork what more do you want!!!! A crab pick?

Anonymous said...

You are so funny... and so bloody organised! You're going to be prepared for every possible situation! I think we need to compare backpack contents for comedy value. Love you. x