Wednesday 8 February 2012

Superbowl Sunday

We had a busy weekend with birthday and superbowl celebrations a big USA tradition. It started on Friday with Ryans 10th birthday party a sleepover with 5 other boys. Ryan had a great time playing on the WII, watching movies and staying up really late, which resulted in him crashing out on the sofa with a party hangover the next day.

Laura's parents came over Saturday evening so Ross, Laura, Kris and I could have dinner and drinks for our last weekend here. We headed to Firebirds for dinner which did great food and then onto Lansdowne resort for drinks and a game of shuffle board in which Ross and Laura crushed us.

Then on Sunday we settled down with wings and beer to watch the Giants take on the Patriots in the Superbowl. It was a great evening as you can see from the photos a certain person enjoyed their wings a little too much (for the record this person would like to remain anonymous)!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Hey Em & Kris - can't believe your world tour is coming to end. The time has gone by so quickly! Say hi to England for us.