Tuesday 31 January 2012

A Day in DC

First off we wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to Ross for yesterday, Laura prepared Ross's favorite meal last night followed by apple pie for dessert. As you can see from the photo Scott and I although thousands of miles apart have the same taste in cards and coincidentally got the same card all mentioning how annoying our brother is, oops!

After being around Ashburn for a couple of months we thought it would be rude to leave next week without one trip into DC so off we set this morning on the Loudon Commuter Bus. We arrived in DC bright and early and started our walking tour at the Vietnam memorial then onto the Lincoln Memorial where the Gettysburg address is carved into the marble.

Next stop was the Korean War memorial before moving onto the new Martin Luther King memorial which has been controversially made of white marble but was really impressive overlooking the tidal basin. We walked round the tidal basin to Franklin Roosevelts memorial then onto Jefferson before returning to the mall and to the Natural History Museum.

After a quick food and drink stop we walked to the National Air and Space Museum which has become a tradition to touch the moon rock when visiting DC. We have a picture of touching the moon rock every year since 2005, Kris did try and take it one step further by licking the moon rock. Someone had to reign the boy in!

We then carried on all the way to the Capitol Building before walking to Union Station for some lunch. Last stop was back to the White House where Kris took the opportunity to join the Aussie sport of planking, in which we have enclosed a photo for judging!

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