Saturday 15 October 2011

Arrived in Canada eh?

After a 5 hour flight we arrived yesterday morning in Vancouver and our first time meeting little Sam. We tiptoed through the door at 6am trying not to wake Nancy and Sam but to our delight they were already awake.

So after a couple hours of catching up we talked up an appetite and now experienced Vancouver tourists we were excited at the prospect of returning to Cafe Zen which undoubtedly does the best eggs benedict and french toast!

We then went for a walk down Spanish banks which gives a great view of the Vancouver skyline before heading back for midday naps as we hadn't slept on the flight.

Today was the second attempted start at detoxing as Hawaii didn't really happen, so Kris and I set out on a couch to 5k run this morning with Scott and Sam following closely behind. Nancy was at a first aid course all day so after lunch we walked to Gastown and popped into a couple of used bookstores which were fascinating although not suitable for pushchairs as you can see from the photos. So Sam sat outside whilst we sifted through the aisles (and floors) and bought a couple of books which I am unable to get on the kindle.

1 comment:

Mum said...

The scenes look familiar, Sam is still smiling - just a different couple pushing the buggy! Enjoy Vancouver. X