Sunday 4 September 2011

The answer is..


After a couple of years of thinking about getting a tattoo I thought whilst we on our travelling adventure live in the now.


Scott said...

Emily - its a great tatt and very impressed at your pain threshold and commitment to Kris. Sorry about my ugly foot comment - only joking!!!

Mr P said...

I dont think he was joking!!! He has always been mean. Make him apologise again so that I am not the only one always saying sorry.

You do know what they call these things on girls dont you?

Looks good though but dont you think it should have been on the sole of the foot for a true representation of how you walk all over him!!

Damn it!! IM SORRY.. AGAIN!!

Me said...

Real and on foot I was so right lol, so did u puke? Lol And where is kris's tattoo? X

Em said...

Scott dont be silly I know I have slabs of meat for feet Kris tells me often enough.

As you for Tony I cant believe you would be so mean, I think you should apologise again ;-) and thats tramp stamp you are insinuating!

Mandy it was a puke free zone, I think Kris got more nervous than me, it was all the hanging around.

Auntie Lou said...

Am v impressed Em, good thing you went for his name and not initials!! Xx

Tony said...

I assume you will be getting a Tony tattoo on the other foot! Still not sure i believe its real by the way.

Em said...

Tony I will put another photo up tomorrow of the tattoo artist in progress if that helps.

How do you know I havent already got Tony tattooed somewhere??

Mr P said...

I guess I would just know. I have a radar for these things.

Mum said...

Looks like I will have to join you in this artistry - pass on the details Em? Where did you say you had it done - New Zealand? Come on Kris how about you coming along too?

Mr P said...

Well somebody has got to get a tattoo of my name. I am feeling left out :) Kris you up for it?

Em said...

Kris said he would be honoured only if you have kris forever on you!!