Monday 25 July 2011

Singapore and Auntie Lou

After boarding our flight from KL excitment was building in seeing a loved one and as you can see from the photos we both wanted to make sure our loved ones found us safely at the airport. 20 mins later Auntie Lou and the Custard Creams made there way through arrivals.

A short taxi ride into the city centre dropped us off first at our Backpackers hostel with questionable shared bathroom facilities but it didn't take us long to jump on the underground and make our ways to Lou's swanky hotel in the posh part of town. As she unpacked Kris put the kettle on for his first cup of tea and a few custard creams.

We then explored Chinatown where we caught up on all our travels and UK news and ate a ridiculous amount of food as you can see from the photo before wandering back to our hotels.

Yesterday saw us jump on the hop on/hop off sightseeing buses and taking a tour around the city which included finding Lou's new office building (not too shabby). Our ticket included a river tour as well which we did during the day and then again at night, it was amazing to see the city skyline from the water.

We then quenched our thirsts for a couple of drinks at Brewerkz (recommendation from Nancy) right on the waterfront before exploring the 2011 Singapore Food Festival where another photo shows our concoction of street food which was really good although very very spicy.

It was a fantastic first day in Singapore and we are already jealous that Lou gets to stay for the next few months!

1 comment:

Auntie lou said...

Guys, thanks for being brilliant tourists with me, made the move less stressful knowing ye were here ahead of me by all of thirty mins!! It has been great and will be keeping you updated on life in the east as you travel west. See you on skype!, xx