Friday 15 July 2011

Another busy day in Phuket

After a tiring day yesterday of building moats we were restricted to the hotel today due to the torrential rain. In true Brit fashion that didn't stop us so we spent a fun couple of hours in the pool in pouring rain. Kris's achievements today included 3 roly-polys under water, hitting me in a face with a ball and holding his breath under water for 2 whole lengths of the pool.

I think the staff think we have gone a little bit crazy!!


The Original Milton Keynes Resident said...

Lovely to see you are both having a great time... when does the real sightseeing happen again and you get those backpacks out?? Or is it when the staff chuck you out?

sarah k said...

crazy you think you gone a little crazy!!!!! i hate to break it to u guys but you were already a little crazy before you left...... looking forward to next up date............. xx

Anonymous said...

an update written exactly as you would have said it! :) xxx