Wednesday 22 June 2011

One Day in Hue

So after a very bumpy overnight train journey we arrived in Hue this morning at 8am, we had arranged our hotel to pick us up from the train station which turned out to be jumping on the back of the hotel owners motorbike with our backpacks on. As you can imagine I declined and jumped in a taxi instead!!

After offloading our backpacks we set off to the Citadel (an old walled city), this used to be where the King and his concubines (mistresses) used to live but alot of it was destroyed in the war by the French and then the Americans. It was fascinating to walk around although the weather was ridiculously hot and with lack of sleep it felt like we were dragging ourselves around it. We did stop for lunch as you can see by the picture a wholesome backpackers diet of seaweed flavoured pringles and a coconut, mmm mmm!

They had elephants in the grounds which you could ride on, I thought it would be pretty cruel to subject the elephant to my weight it was bad enough on the top bunk of the sleeper cabin so we settled for photos instead.

In true Shears fashion we got back to our hotel mid afternoon and I had a power nap before venturing out for dinner this evening. Tomorrow sees us boarding another bus for a 4 hour journey to Hoi An.


Mum C. said...

Don't worry about silk dressing gowns, bring back some of the seaweed Pringles for us to try...sounds interesting! Sandals look good in the hot weather Kris!

sarah said...

i must the seaweed pringles do look like they are worth trying..... this could mean you will find the kit kats lol........ the photos once again look great and look forward to next post.....

Wheres tony said...

Christ!!! I dont look at your blog for a few days and now theres enough reading to keep me busy til you get back. Why are people asking for either or in the gift area. Get me 1 of everything if not 2.

C. said...

You should keep up Anthony! Em you should think about publishing the E & K's Backpackers guide to the world on your return? Great prose and photos - looking forward to more...

Les said...

Hi Guys

Fascinating stories about your jollies are unfolding. Frankly, unless it's a meat and three veg, I guess I'd be on the first plane home being starved. Love the pics and love your well written blog. All the best Pugwash. (Les)

Lou and Kev said...

hi guys

Just catching up so sorry for late everything but some of us poor unfortunates have to work - Stay gone as any moment now I am sure the retiremnt age will rise to 90 ha ha. Very well written blog and the photos do say a thousand words. Keep safe and bring me back some seaweed pringles xx

Laura said...

I'd like you to roll up here in the States with a water buffalo strapped to your knapsack - try to get that plus some seaweed Pringles past Customs!

Tony said...

I forgot you were stopping at dc before you get home. I guess i wont get anything by the time those washingtonians grab all they want. Keep up the good blog work guys.

Em and Kris said...

Hey everybody, its good to see some people reading the blog, it seems everyone is intrigued by the seaweed pringles so I see this as a bit of a challenge to find some more random flavours. Watch this space..

Les you can find meat and 3 veg, what meat you get maybe anyone's guess, we have certainly tried some questionable meat substances out here.

Laura may not be able to bring the water buffalo how about 10 chickens strapped to my 'knapsack'?

Hey lou I suggest you give up work now and join us tax dodgers over here, we are managing to survive. Maybe Kris and Ems backpackers guide will be our income, Tony start building the website...