Saturday 26 March 2011

The Named and Shamed

By now some of you may have seen the attempted apologies made by 2 of our friends and family and after 48 hours of pretend hurt and trying to instill remorse and keeping up the pretense of having no sense of humour over this incident, we only thought it was fair to name and shame them on our blog for trying to impersonate poor Huan Law. This is to warn future friends and family of the capability of Defendant As technical skills and Defendant Bs grammatical skills in bringing ridicule and gossip for their amusement.


FOF inc. said...

FOF is a registered TM please remove it.

FOF Inc. Ltd. said...

"FOF Inc." cannot be used without permission from its parent company FOF Inc. Ltd. Please remove this comment from the comment area.

Defendant A said...

Yet another apology,

Recently i became embroiled in a practical joke which has proven to be a step too far for my friend. 

Whilst i have to admit that the joke was executed to perfection and the result was very very funny,  little consideration was given to the fear, hurt and worry that it subsequently caused and for this i am profoundly apologetic. 

As its the right thing to do is  i take full responsibilty, however I must admit i allowed myself to be influenced by a machiavellian partner in crime who rather than protecting the target from my immaturity decided to spur me forward while also playing a significant part in the joke itself. I urge this person to admit there guilt and join in on this apology. 

As i have now completed the mandatory 3 paragraph apology as instructed by the victim, all that is left is to say sorry once again and plead with you not to give up on the interweb and the blogging experiance. Dont let my immaturity spoil it for you.

p.s The above statement is copyright protected and is permitted  for publication on this blog by the copyright owner. Stop me i cant help myself :)

Prosecution said...

where is the nude picture defendant A?

Defendant A said...

Defendant A submits an appeal in order to protect the eyes of the world. It could be the one thing that brings down the internet.

Scott said...

At least the copyright infringement federal police do not have jurisdiction in Canada!! Our blog will go on.

Defendant B said...

Dear Prosecution (and Husband),

Before I knew my sister, what did I know?
Everything, but nothing.
So little did I care about this world.
Too much I took for granted.

Any life would pale next to dear, dear Emily.
Understanding be her middle name.
Never has a woman been so charming
Taking nothing in return for kindness.
In sorrow now I grovel
Ever lamenting that dreadful day

Email, you hath confounded me
Venomous words cut deeper than knives
Enter my private hell, dear sister
Remorse is too light a word for my regret.

Anonymous said...

Well after kicking ourselves for falling for your devilish antics the first revenge tactic had to be guilt. So Mr. Poole you were right to question my validity of my upsetness as the only thing we were upset with is we did not think of it first!

And I have to say I stick with the sister code, it must be true that you influenced the lovely Laura into your wicked plan. But I do like the sarcastic apology from Tony and the poem from Laura in which I didn't understand anything apart from I am the Best Auntie Ever!

Defendant A said...

I knew it!!!! which is why if you remove letters from my apology and add some. Then re-arrange the letters into different words you will see a secret poem. :)

Laura, beat this (Although I doubt it looking at your last attempt).


Emily dear Emily and I suppose your husband Kris,
You make it so difficult for us not to take the P***,

You fell for Lauras evil Joke reference Huan Law,
and the fact she is blaming me for this has knocked me to the floor,

The moral of this jolly jape should however not be rejected,
Be careful when your blogging as things can be copyright protected!!


Who would have thought that was hidden in my apology. Yes bow down to my power and genius
(Not my spelling & grammer though)

Prosecution said...

I don't need poems just delved into my history of pictures of you, I thought this one was a lovely representation of you Mr Poole!

Defendant A said...

I cant really have an issue with it now can I!!! You can sleep the sleep of the just. Just pleased that I didnt really upset you. That was never the intention (Just a bonus)

Defendant B said...

What a funny coincidence! I had no idea that my penitent poem had a hidden meaning! What are the odds!

def A said...

Alright, Def A, I believe there was a throw-down challenge issued to a poetry slam... bring it, you evil, conniving co-conspirator, though I believe we should warm up with limericks. may the best woman win. to be continued....

Defendant A said...

You're rite, Laura. I could never compete with you, because you are awesome, and I am totally lame, as evidensed by my awfull spelling and poetry skills, and the horrificly long run-on sentence. I bow to you, queen of everything.

Previous DEF A said...

Hold on Defendant A didnt right this. What is this amateur attempt at impersonation. I believe that defendant B is now taking the larger responsibility for the crime and has upgraded themselves to DEF A status. Bring on the poetry slam but be warned its gonna be like the film 8 Mile. Oh and I am assuming your cheap comment referring to me as a woman is about the limit of your skills to your best!!!

Defendant B said...

Ok I give up your clearly to skilled for me and saw through my tactic of writing comments on your behalf. What can I say I am just a small minded fool thinking I could take on one of the greats!!! Please forgive me defendant A I am clearly out of my league.

Defendant A said...

Its ok Defendant B I forgive you! Its nice to see you trying.

Defendant B said...

Okay, Defendant A, being as I already "forgave" you in the previous FAKE comment, I guess you'll never get a REAL apology. I hope you've enjoyed impersonating a genius, as it's as close as you'll ever get to BEING one.
ps - I take back referring to you as a woman. I don't want to drag down the fairer sex with your mouth-full-of-food-and-some-on-your-face maleness.

Defendant A said...

Attacking the photographs is easy and a clear sign of desperation. I thought you would do better than that!! p.s Billy Ray Cyrus would be proud of that jacket but I could barely make it out through all the light being bounced off your shiney face and not so well washed hair. :) p.s I dont want this jibing to become offensive to anyone as it is just fun and I am tired of apologising on blogs so if you cant take a joke say so now.

Defendant B said...

I'd type a witty reply, but it's hard to see the keyboard through my tears.

Always Sorry said...

Here I go again.... I am sorry for any offense I may have caused due to my immaturity blah blah blah... :)

Sister to Laura always and Annoyance to Friend Tony said...

I am glad you have all learned your lessons and Tony I love your new name Always sorry... I think you should keep that as it will cover all future inevitable apologies.

sarah said...

hi guys seeing if this works, u know what i'm like. well i must say the blog is looking really good..... xx

Em said...

Hey sarah welcome to our blog, your comment got here safe and sound!!

Laura said...

Sarah, I saw little man Morgan on Skype when Em & Kris were babysitting whilst you moved house -- what a handsome boy! I'm sure he and Henry could get up to lots of trouble together!

sarah said...

hi laura, i'm sure the boys would def get into lots of trouble.... morgan into every thing now and boy we know we have him... kris and em are baby sitting again over easter (brave) for a while... callum and keeley are staying over and morgan staying while we go for a meal or some thing i belive thats right hay em???? more cheeky then handsome lol xx

Em said...

Thats right Sarah we are going to attempt all 3 of them at once! I can see them running rings round us. But good practice for when we get to ross and lauras and there is 4 to contend with!

sarah said...

you love it really em xx not just that it will come in practice for when you have twins or triplets............... lol

laura said...

if you can handle three, you can handle four!!! well, i thought that before we had henry... now i cry myself to sleep LOL

lou said...

OMG - are those BK Onion Rings falling out of A's mouth?

Anonymous said...

A's not happy that the previous comment is reverting back to the photograph of him. The photo has clearly been photoshop edited as I think the original was of 'A' doing charity work helping those in need and becoming upset at the distress in the world. What sort of person would super impose a Burger King backdrop and onion rings into such an inspiring photo.

Scott said...

I am a bit bored with Anthony's dribbling face and Laura's donkey jacket - any chance of an update of your travel adventures?

Laura said...

I'm sorry, Scott... did you say DONKEY JACKET? I wanted to make sure I read it right before I add an insult that I regret.

Scott said...

Sorry for the delayed response... YES, I said DONKEY JACKET? Was that offense to the fashion sense!?!