Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Last Blog Entry

Having been home now for almost a week it has given us time to reflect on what we have achieved over the last 9 months. In the words of a favourite tv show the Amazing Race we have travelled through 4 continents, 11 countries and 47 cities and over 39000 miles and are now back in Milton Keynes sleeping it off. As you can see from the photos we have spent the last few days catching up with family, Mandy made a welcome home giant custard cream for Kris which he delved into with a cup of tea.

It has been an incredible journey with many memories to treasure including; walking the great wall, 28 hour train journey, motorbikes in Vietnam, temples of Angkor, cowboy tuk tuk driver, almost hit by lightning, swimming in the rain, elephant riding, snorkelling at great barrier reef, campervaning, skype calls, living it up at the Hilton, long car journeys, meeting friends and family along the way, map reading in New York, visiting Ramsay street, cookie dough balls and silly dancing around the world.

I am now reading a 1000 places to see before you die book and their introduction sums up how I feel about travelling life' 'I never felt an hour spent in the seat of an airplane (or bus, tuk tuk, car, train, ferry) was an hour wasted. There is no downside to travel, save a little jet lag and a dented bank account. A small price to pay for a million dollar experience.'

So as I write this last blog entry people have asked if I am going to continue it. My answer is not whilst I am back home, but watch this space for the next adventure!

Thursday 9 February 2012

Farewell to the Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Night Gang

As we pack our rucksacks for the last time we have learned whats really important in life and there is no need for excess baggage anymore.

Next stop Heathrow!!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Superbowl Sunday

We had a busy weekend with birthday and superbowl celebrations a big USA tradition. It started on Friday with Ryans 10th birthday party a sleepover with 5 other boys. Ryan had a great time playing on the WII, watching movies and staying up really late, which resulted in him crashing out on the sofa with a party hangover the next day.

Laura's parents came over Saturday evening so Ross, Laura, Kris and I could have dinner and drinks for our last weekend here. We headed to Firebirds for dinner which did great food and then onto Lansdowne resort for drinks and a game of shuffle board in which Ross and Laura crushed us.

Then on Sunday we settled down with wings and beer to watch the Giants take on the Patriots in the Superbowl. It was a great evening as you can see from the photos a certain person enjoyed their wings a little too much (for the record this person would like to remain anonymous)!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

A Day in DC

First off we wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to Ross for yesterday, Laura prepared Ross's favorite meal last night followed by apple pie for dessert. As you can see from the photo Scott and I although thousands of miles apart have the same taste in cards and coincidentally got the same card all mentioning how annoying our brother is, oops!

After being around Ashburn for a couple of months we thought it would be rude to leave next week without one trip into DC so off we set this morning on the Loudon Commuter Bus. We arrived in DC bright and early and started our walking tour at the Vietnam memorial then onto the Lincoln Memorial where the Gettysburg address is carved into the marble.

Next stop was the Korean War memorial before moving onto the new Martin Luther King memorial which has been controversially made of white marble but was really impressive overlooking the tidal basin. We walked round the tidal basin to Franklin Roosevelts memorial then onto Jefferson before returning to the mall and to the Natural History Museum.

After a quick food and drink stop we walked to the National Air and Space Museum which has become a tradition to touch the moon rock when visiting DC. We have a picture of touching the moon rock every year since 2005, Kris did try and take it one step further by licking the moon rock. Someone had to reign the boy in!

We then carried on all the way to the Capitol Building before walking to Union Station for some lunch. Last stop was back to the White House where Kris took the opportunity to join the Aussie sport of planking, in which we have enclosed a photo for judging!

Friday 27 January 2012

First snowfall of 2012

This week saw us get a little bit of snow and a lot of ice which the kids grabbed the opportunity to go sledding behind the house. It was great fun followed by hot chocolate to thaw our fingers and toes.

Kris has been earning our keep this week by doing some odd jobs round the house including making a cat tree with some leftover wood and carpet. As you can see from the photos the cats have taken an instant liking to it.

With the snow now all gone we took the kids out this afternoon to the park to fly a kite and we are now set to celebrate Ross and Ryan's birthdays in the next few days!

Monday 23 January 2012


Last week Ross took us on a day trip into Pennsylvania to a town called Gettysburg which became famous in 1863 as the battleground for the American Civil War. This was considered the turning point of the civil war between the Confederate southern states and the Union northern states and as a result had the largest number of casualties in the civil war approx 51000 dead, injured or missing.

It was a thought provoking day especially when you stood on the field and looked out for a mile where the Union soldiers once stood watching a mile wide line of 12000 soldiers heading towards them into battle.

This battle scene was captured in a magnificent Cyclorama oil painting which we saw in the museum which is Americas largest painting. The circular room gives you feeling that you have been dropped into the battle looking at the devastation happening all around you.

Once again this round the world trip has reminded me of how privileged my life is and makes me ponder the question what if these wars had turned out differently. Which leads me onto a book recommendation from Ross called What If: The World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been

Friday 20 January 2012

Survived Babysitting Duties

Kris and I have been preparing for a few weeks now to look after the kids so Ross and Laura can have a weekend away together for the 2nd time in their marriage. So after learning bath time and bed time routines we sent Ross and Laura off on Monday for 2 days.

I am pleased to report that all 4 children were present and accounted for on their return although Ryan was suffering with a fever and the babies had colds, I am putting it down to an overload of fun with their Auntie and Uncle.

Last weekend we all went to Hamilton Church to see Bethany perform with a live band which was a prize for winning a costume contest in which Beth dressed up as a piece of cheese. I videoed the performance which was fantastic and Beth didn't show an ounce of nerves!