Friday 20 January 2012

Survived Babysitting Duties

Kris and I have been preparing for a few weeks now to look after the kids so Ross and Laura can have a weekend away together for the 2nd time in their marriage. So after learning bath time and bed time routines we sent Ross and Laura off on Monday for 2 days.

I am pleased to report that all 4 children were present and accounted for on their return although Ryan was suffering with a fever and the babies had colds, I am putting it down to an overload of fun with their Auntie and Uncle.

Last weekend we all went to Hamilton Church to see Bethany perform with a live band which was a prize for winning a costume contest in which Beth dressed up as a piece of cheese. I videoed the performance which was fantastic and Beth didn't show an ounce of nerves!

1 comment:

A happy Granny X said...

Well done - they all survived then. You are looking forward to coming home for a well earned REST?