Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Last Blog Entry

Having been home now for almost a week it has given us time to reflect on what we have achieved over the last 9 months. In the words of a favourite tv show the Amazing Race we have travelled through 4 continents, 11 countries and 47 cities and over 39000 miles and are now back in Milton Keynes sleeping it off. As you can see from the photos we have spent the last few days catching up with family, Mandy made a welcome home giant custard cream for Kris which he delved into with a cup of tea.

It has been an incredible journey with many memories to treasure including; walking the great wall, 28 hour train journey, motorbikes in Vietnam, temples of Angkor, cowboy tuk tuk driver, almost hit by lightning, swimming in the rain, elephant riding, snorkelling at great barrier reef, campervaning, skype calls, living it up at the Hilton, long car journeys, meeting friends and family along the way, map reading in New York, visiting Ramsay street, cookie dough balls and silly dancing around the world.

I am now reading a 1000 places to see before you die book and their introduction sums up how I feel about travelling life' 'I never felt an hour spent in the seat of an airplane (or bus, tuk tuk, car, train, ferry) was an hour wasted. There is no downside to travel, save a little jet lag and a dented bank account. A small price to pay for a million dollar experience.'

So as I write this last blog entry people have asked if I am going to continue it. My answer is not whilst I am back home, but watch this space for the next adventure!


sarah said...

we are glad u are home...... i'm sure tho it seams like a life time ago u were seeing parts of the world.

Scott said...

Emily & Kris - we have really enjoyed your blog and following all your adventures from your world tour. Shame it has all come to a crashing end and you are back where you started. Time to plan the next trip?

Scott said...

Loving the Xmas Travel Dancing Video - just watched it twice with Nancy and Sam! (Got the moves like Jagger!)