Friday 9 December 2011

Second Day in the Big Apple

After a relaxing evening catching up with Neil we woke up this morning refreshed for another day of walking around Manhattan. We started off with a short walk to Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange then onto some famous statue of a bull.

We then jumped on the tube all the way to 110th street the north entrance to Central Park and proceeded to spend a couple of hours walking 50 blocks down through the park, stopping at the Strawberry field to see John Lennon's tribute and then coming back into the thick of the crowds on 5th Avenue.

We found the FAO Schwarz toy shop which is the home of the famous Big Piano from the movie Big, so we joined the queue and proceeded to act like children for a few minutes stamping on the giant keys.

Carrying on up 5th avenue we came to the gold fronted Trump Tower where as we walked inside we noticed that Donald Trump was there signing his latest book. Great photo opportunity!

Then it was onwards to Grand Central Station and the Chrysler building before refuelling with lunch and heading back to Ground Zero for our time slot to visit the memorial. After clearing all the security measures we spent half hour walking round the two hollow squares imagining back 10 years to when those towers dominated the New York skyline. It was humbling to wander round and read the thousands of names that have been engraved into the memorial pools.

Tomorrow sees Neil joining us on our walking tour of Manhattan where we are going to visit a disused railway and the Rockefeller Center.


Anonymous said...

reading about your adventures in New York takes me back there :) Thank you. Sending you guys lots of festive hugs. Kari. x

Scott said...

Guys, fantastic trip with so many laughs. Wish we could do it more often, but special times. Here is to the next time and speak soon.