Monday 5 December 2011

The Journey of the Christmas Tree

As we hit the first weekend in December it was time to bring out the decs and as Kris and I being here was a good excuse Laura and Ross decided we should get a real tree this year. So off we went to Meadows farm on Saturday to pick our first ever real tree. Beth and Ross spotted The One straight away and Ross stood guard whilst we found someone to move it.

After piling it onto the red fun bus we all went home to work out how to get it in the front door. After positioning the tree in the front room we decided to keep it simple with a gold and silver theme and then put the artificial tree in the lounge with all the kids ornaments.

We are all thrilled with both trees although the bottoms are looking bare and in need of some presents to finish them off! Only 19 days to go!!


sarah said...

now thats what i call a tree. that is the fattest one i have ever seen. i bet that was fun looking round. xx

Auntie lou said...

Hi guys thanks for birthday card turned up today :-) hope you enjoy a cold christmas think a swim in the pool might be the order of the day here x

Nancy said...

mmmm...wishing for more festivities in my own place now that I see that tree. will have to see what I can put together now that the hubby is away for a week...stay tuned for photos.
N xo