Thursday 10 November 2011

The X Files

Our next stop was a few hours south of Santa Fe to Roswell, this small town made the map in 1947 when they had a suspected UF0 crash land north of the town. The days following this alleged incident the military came in and cleaned the ranch land up and then announced it was a weather balloon crash which has led to a 60 odd year debate of a government conspiracy where they removed the UFO and 4 alien bodies to Area 51.

I entered the museum not believing in such a thing and left a few hours later confused but definitely questioning the US government over some sort of cover up that occurred in July that year. There were lots of articles and witness statements of what either the public or military personnel saw at the crash site.

I was also intrigued to see that throughout 1947 there had been a number of sightings of UFOs across USA, Russia and Germany which coincided with Nuclear bomb testing towards the end of World War 2. So lots of questions have been raised of a link between Nuclear bombs and UFO sightings. Could we be being watched from a species beyond earth?

One thing is for sure is how Roswell has turned from a small ranch town into a commercialised 'Aliens Welcome' town where a number of businesses have jumped on the tourism opportunity. McDonald's is leading the way in Roswell with its UFO shaped restaurant!

So whats your view does life beyond earth exist?

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