Saturday 12 November 2011

The Wild West

Carrying on south from Roswell we crossed the border into Texas and drove all the way down to San Antonio, home of the Alamo. We were greeted in the car park by some fellow Texians whose words of welcome was 'Your brave coming down to the far west arnt you, most people from England don't make it this far' Brave or ignorant bliss I'm still not sure.

We carried on regardless into the Alamo mission the famous building centered around the Texas revolution where following a 13 day siege in Feb 1836 the Mexicans overcame the Texians defending the Alamo mission. You could still see the bullet holes in the walls and the cannons that were used to defend the mission.

Once back in the car we headed up to Austin the state capitol of Texas where we had a drive around the huge grounds of the Texas State University including the overwhelming stadium of the Uni Football team the Texas Longhorns and then onto the state capitol building.

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