Wednesday 3 August 2011

Heading North in a Campervan

After dragging ourselves away from our rented apartment yesterday we headed back to Brisbane for the next adventure 2 weeks in a campervan!

After a quick whizz round how everything worked in the van we set up our sat nav and hit the road. After 2 months of public transport including planes, trains and automobiles it was nice to have some freedom.

We spent last night at Noosa Head on a beach campground where we parked pretty much on the beach although did not have a powered sight and one thing Kris and I had not taken into account was that it is winter over here and although it is sunny it still gets dark at 5.30pm. So without electricity point our dual battery which powers the fridge and lights went dead about 8.30 so the rest of the night was spent reading the kindle (Tony the book recommendation is a brilliant one).

Today we have carried on up the coast to Hervey Bay where we are staying for 2 nights and have power! We have just done a food shop and going to enjoy our first Aussie bbq tonight!

This is the life!


Scott said...

Living the dream in OZ! Give the convicts hell. Looks fantastic in the photos

Mr P said...

Really are you liking the book? If you do like it then please review it and rank it.

Mr P said...

Also remember that some of those long roads can be dangerous with many miles between petrol stations. Oh and the "hills have eyes"

Em said...

Book is all finished going to review now, couldn't put it down! Tell your mum I say it is brilliant!

Thanks Scott, we will keep the photos coming!

Oh and we have just finished our fantasy football teams. Ready for the 13th. Kris is feeling worried.

Anonymous said...

Loving the campervan life! xx

Mr P said...

Thanks for the great review. Looking at the camper van photo I think you have a stow away.

Carolyn said...

For those of us without a Kindle, is the book in print? Would be interested in reading it too!

Mr P said...

Not in print sorry maybe soon. You can download the kindle software on to your pc/laptop though and then read it.

Mr P said...

p.s Sorry just answering a question dont want to turn this into TP publishing site although my mum is very happy with your review so thanks.

Laura said...

Sea Biscuits have their starting lineup, captain and vice-captain already chosen. Bring it on, Premier League!

Em said...

Not a problem Tony, Kris is currently reading it now so my kindle has been confiscated for a while.

Laura Sea Biscuits are going down its all about the Travelling Bums in their multi coloured kit this year!

Scott said...

Ladies... love your confidence, but you will be losers to my newly formed team. I had an off year last season, but this forthcoming year I'm going to back for my title!!