Tuesday 5 July 2011

Siem Reap and Angkor

A couple of days ago we arrived in Siem Reap staying in a 4 star hotel (la dee da) as this was going to be our longest stay yet 4 nights and a chance to relax round a pool.

The first stop had to be Angkor Wat and all the other temples, we hired a tuk tuk driver for the day who took us to Angkor. It was our most expensive sightseeing yet $20 for one day ticket so we realised we had to fit a lot in as we were not going to fork out for 2 days. It is hard to get round all the temples without a tuk tuk as they are all a couple of kilometres apart and it is tiring work just exploring the actual temples in the heat.

The first temple is the most famous Angkor Wat with the iconic towers, we spent a good couple of hours exploring the temple which is a maze of corridors and different levels, its hard to explain and photograph but very humbling.

The next was Angkor Thom which was surrounded by stone walls with an entrance at the north, south, east and west. Each entrance is lined with 54 gods on the left and 54 demons to the right and as you can see from the photo we sided with the demons. Inside Angkor Thom was the impressive Bayon which was a temple famous for the detailed faces carved into the stone.

After walking through many more temples including the Terrace of Elephants, Terrace of the Leper King we finally arrived at Ta Prohm (famous from the Tomb Raider film) which was a temple amongst a forest where giant kapok trees rise above the temple with their roots binded into the infrastructure below.

We managed to get some amazing photos and look forward to boring you all with them when we return. After a very hot and tiring day we have rewarded ourselves by spending the last 2 days relaxing by the hotel pool which has pretty much been just us as the hotel is off season and very quiet.

Tomorrow sees us boarding our first plane (a nice relief from trains and buses) to cross the border into Thailand.


sarah xx said...

it looks like you def did do alot in one day...i'm guessing you didn't ride the elephent as none of you were on it in the photo.... i'm looking to the boring photo when you get back lol..... hopping for some kind of party round yours with the whole silde show and talks............ enjoy your flight over to thailand...... xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you want to meet up with Kenny... I know he's around on Thursday evening as he's going to be skyping me. Cant believe you did it all in one day! you're mad! x

Em said...

Hey Sarah, that will be famous last words more like a week at ours to look at the photos as Kris is a bit trigger.

Hey Kari don't worry about it I'm not sure what Kris and I doing when at the mo. We might just wait to meet him with you one day ;-) How is Vancouver, hopefully catch you on skype soon.

sarah.... said...

Hi em a weeks fine lol... I call spare room and bed lol........... Mind u when u fin trip it could be a month........ Good catching up with ya on skype earlyer. Xxx