Saturday 26 February 2011


On the first whole day in Edinburgh we trekked up the big hill to Edinburgh castle and took the audio tour around the grounds.

Now its no 9 o Clock Gun but one of the highlights had to be the 1 o Clock Gun which signals everyday at 1pm but sods law the only exception being Sunday and guess what, we visited on Sunday!

In the evening we saw Jimmy Carr in theatre which was hilarious and definitely recommended. Monday saw us wandering around the beautiful old town and seeing the not so beautiful Scottish parliament building before our 5 hour journey home!

So the warm up is complete and we survived bring on the big trip in 93 days!!!


Anonymous said...

Loving the little preparation trip lady. Strange food, weird money and funny accents! :o) Lots of love. Kari. x

Scott said...

Great photos of Edinburgh and the 9 O'Clock gun is far more reliable than what Edinburgh can offer. Never takes a day off! Vancouver one, Edinburgh zero.

lou and kev said...

You were a little harsh on my almost second home city, it does have easy access shopping, a tram system (well ok a not working tram system) and uumm..... Royal Yacht Britannia, yes I knew there was something else. Like the RBS fiver - keep the support up