Saturday 1 January 2011

First post

Welcome to our blog!! After getting hitched over a year ago Kris and I were eager to plan our next adventure and decided that whilst we were young we wanted to explore the world.  So after persuading our jobs to give us the time off and saving many pennies we have booked single tickets to Beijing, China on 31st May 2011.

 In true spirit of stealing my older brother's work we have decided the best way to annoy you all is with tails of our travels through this website.

We are looking forward to sharing all the ups and downs of this experience on here along with a few photos to keep you interested along the way!

Kris is having great fun adding gadgets to the website such as the clock so you can see what time zone we are in wherever we are in the world.  As you can see from the map below our plan is to travel across South East Asia for approximately 3 months, then a couple of months in Australia and New Zealand and then looking forward to meeting the new baby in Vancouver with Scott and Nancy before finally travelling across the states to Ross and Laura and co in time for Christmas.  One last adventure in the New Year will be to travel up to Niagara Falls before heading home February 2012!!

So watch out for where you spot the Kings next . . . .


Anonymous said...

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Can't wait to read more! Laura

Scott said...

Loving the adventure blog and we are wishing you all the best for the trip. To keep the high brow theme, here is a quote for you:

"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." ~St. Augustine

Tony said...

An old english saying...

Go already!!!

Come on Kris I have been seeing your website development skills. You could have done this yourself.

On a serious note cant wait to read about the adventures you guys will have.. just dont forget the hair straighteners

Anonymous said...

No one realises how beautiful it is to travel until he (or she) comes home and rests his (or her) head on their old, familiar pillow!!

Scott said...

We want more, we want more!!! Why does this blog not have any updates????

Tony said...

Until you go we need updates on your commute to and from work and obviously lots of pictures of Hemel, MK and as you would call it Shanger. Come on Kris what about an article on the latest devs in fire safety. If anyone has seen the related blog photo of this eager couple I can confirm that they are refusing to remove their backpacks for anything they even came out on Friday night sporting them. They will have to be surgically removed!!!

Em said...

My journey to Hemel was ok bit bumpy due to the potholes but got there in reasonable time, thanks for asking Tony!!