Sunday 26 June 2011

Nha Trang - the return of lobster boy!

After shopping our hearts out in Hoi An, you guessed it we boarded another train for a 10 hour journey down the coast to Nha Trang. Unforturnately due to flooding in North Vietnam our train was delayed by 4 1/2 hours and so we spent a very hot and sticky day sitting in the train station before a further 10 hours on a hot and sticky train, as you can imagine we were relieved to arrive in Nha Trang at 1.30am!

After a few hours sleep I was being rudely woken by Kris who kept reminding me I could sleep on the beach so we dragged ourselves out of bed and walked a block to the beach, which as you can see from the photos was worth it! There was a return of the lobster but it wasn't lobster girl (she has learnt the importance of sun cream) this time it was the rise of lobster boy aka pink Kris who thought that his legs could withstand the sun. He was proven wrong!

Nha Trang town does have a bit of a Benidorm feel about it with lots of westerners on holiday here, that does mean cheaper drinks all round. Our cheapest meal so far consisted of a salad, garlic bread, burger and chips, 2 big bottles of tiger beer and a tub of alcohol (with a concoction of spirits) for £5.50! Good times!!


sarah said...

i would say that the 10 hour train journey and dethe hold up was worth it it looks so peaceful.... and a place to just relax..... kris i bet your legs oh my god.... so how long you here for?? great photo by the way xx

Anonymous said...

If "Red Emily" and "Pink Kris" have a baby what colour will it be? And will it be a crustacean?