Monday 13 June 2011

Goodbye Xi'an, Hello Train Journey

Well we are just about to leave a beautiful hostel in Xi'an for a 28 hour train journey to Guilin in South China. The good news is this time we have a soft sleeper which is a 4 berth cabin, Kris has the top bunk, I have the bottom and I'm sure it will be fun to try and make friends with our 2 other companions (I hope they don't snore too much)!

We spent yesterday exploring Xi'an visiting the bell and drum tower at the heart of the city which were used to tell the time and warn of any danger (see photos). We then stumbled into a market which turned out to be a maize of stalls reminding me of the souks in Morrocco, we bartered our way through them buying a few goodies including Morgans birthday pressie (Martin & Sarah watch this space...) and came across the Muslim Quarter. It was a great experience with so much going on around us.

In the afternoon we headed to the city wall to take some photos but not before a pit stop at Dairy Queen, on finding this in China it obviously felt rude to walk past. MMMMMMMM ice creammmmmm

It has been a relaxing time in Xi'an and a chance to catch up on some sleep but we are looking forward to the next adventure in Guilin!

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